The butterfly is a symbol of transformation and rebirth. It definitely had to go through a process of being confined in a dark chrysalis for days, and undergo a great transformation, just to earn its wings.
Once transformation has completed, emancipation happens. It breaks through the confines of the chrysalis, equipped with wings and limbs, and new set of senses for flight. Then it soars high to unknown spaces, relying on instinct and inner compass to survive in its new life. It lives as a different version of itself, up to its fullest life potential.
Emancipation is freedom. Just like the butterfly, self-transformation leads us to freedom from restrictions, self-imposed or otherwise, so that we can soar to our greatest potentials. We survive and learn from the past, then we create a new life with the new energies, so that we can take ourselves into a better future.
We owe it to ourselves to live, to push through our limits, and live our greatest potentials. So, spread those wings and fly my friends!
Love you all!
Nina Sendrijas Jones