The eagle is an awe inspiring, beautiful bird that is both majestic and mystical in its symbolism. It is symbolic of illumination of spirit, healing, and creation (Animal Speak 136). I am always in awe of eagles, and the golden eagle is quite fascinating to me. It has quite a noble and warm energy to it. When you see them, they always command attention, and you just cannot walk past them. The many dimensions in its colors are also quite beautiful.
The golden eagle empowers us to have a higher, more expansive perspective to be able to see new dimensions in our lives. It teaches us to perceive and reflect on the many aspects of ourselves. We are born with unique blends of many elements to our personalities, yet we often do not have the chance, or the motivation to explore them all. Reflection is needed in self discovery, that leads us to see ourselves in a new light.
Illumination occurs when we highlight in our awareness, the deeper aspects of ourselves. It is in the act of listening deeper in the silence that our spirit speak to us. So often we ignore our spirit that in search of our materialistic endeavours, we have unknowingly put ourselves in spiritual poverty. The Golden eagle calls for us to do deeper reflections to listen to our spirit within. It is the space where the very essence of ourselves speak, yet we often do not hear.
Listening deep within could reveal to us a blueprint of our authentic selves. Expressing oneself in a genuine authentic way, opens the floodgates of our passions. Exploring these passions can be rewarding, yet also can be terrifying. It does push us though, to live fully
and to our greatest potentials, risks, and all.
The symbolism of the Golden eagle also calls for us to use that inherent power of creation. We are all born to be co-creators. In simpler examples, we can express our creative abilities through art, music, writing, technology or in whatever niche we may find ourselves in. In a bigger sense, we are entrusted to create the tapestry of our lives in any path we choose to walk. We have the power to plan, chart our course, and visualize any outcome we choose to have manifest. Yes, we are that powerful!
So, it is time to reflect. What makes our hearts sing? When was the last time we let our inner child play? Are we feeding that aspects of ourselves, or are we constantly being enslaved by conventions and societal dictates that we are willingly sacrificing our happiness? Are we walking the right life path, or are we in a path charted for us by others? These questions are all worthy of explorations.
So, reflect, then take flight my friends! Fearlessly spread those wings wide, and soar. Use those keen insights, and reach your highest peaks, with passion! Time to stop existing and start living!
Love you all!
Nina Sendrijas Jones